Wednesday, August 16, 2006


"BIX is a permanent light- and media installation for the Kunsthaus Graz in Austria by realities:united architects from Berlin.A matrix of 930 fluorescent lamps is integrated into the eastern acrylic glass facade of the biomorphic building structure of the new Kunsthaus in Graz, Austria. Through the possibility to individually adjust the lamps’ brightness at an infinite variability with 20 frames/second images, films and animations can be displayed - the Kunsthaus' skin is transformed into a giant low resolution computer display. "[1] to find out more...
"realities united is a spin-off of the kunst und technik group which was founded in Berlin in 1997 by ten architects, artist, media specialists and technicians. kunst und technik has done various commercial and non commercial projects, exhibitions and events mixing ideas, subjects and scenes. One of kunst und technik's resources, which we maintain carefully is the huge number of multi layered relationships with a variety of individuals and groups in and between art, culture, lifestyle, education, marketing, technology research and development." [2]to find out more...
Passage [1] & Image from
Passage[2] from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's creative. And expensive. whew.