Thursday, November 23, 2006


"Tillett Lighting Design is dedicated to enhancing the utility, safety and delight of public space—and the vitality of community life—through a thoughtful use of light.
Linnaea Tillett founded the firm in 1983. She holds a doctorate in environmental psychology, specializing in security and perceptions of safety in settings that serve multiple needs and diverse users. Her innovative approach incorporates a thorough understanding of the perceptual, behavioral and psychological effects of light with extensive experience in landscape, architectural and fine art lighting.
Tillett Lighting Design has collaborated on urban planning, landscape and architectural projects with leading firms such as Olin Partnership, Maya Lin Studio, Cooper Robertson, and Quennell Rothschild, as well as award-winning public art with Kiki Smith and Lebbeus Woods .
By meeting complex design challenges with effective, elegant solutions that impact minimally on the physical environment , Tillett Lighting Design has established a reputation for artistry, technical innovation and functionality." to find out more...

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