Saturday, December 15, 2007

IES Lithonia Lighting free download

"Lithonia Lighting provides IESNA formatted photometric data to help lighting professionals select products and options that are most appropriate for their requirements. The files are used in applications like Visual, Photometric Viewer, Economic Viewer and other commercially available software."[1] to find out more...
And to download the free viewer here...
What is IES files? Ies files are files that contain information of how light source energy are shooting out. Very useful for 3dsmax real time rendering information. The photorealistic rendering effect comes from the light sources.
"IESNA stands for Illuminating Engineering Society of North America [1] (IESNA) is a non-profit, learned society founded in New York City on January 10, 1906. The Society's stated mission is to improve the lighted environment by bringing together those with lighting knowledge and by translating that knowledge into actions that benefit the public."[2]to find out more...
Passage [1] from
Passage [2] from

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