
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Architectural Theories & Style by Archpedia

Another interesting site of architecture.
"Plato :: The Republic "
"And isn't it necessary for the young to be influenced by these qualities everywhere, if they are to do what is truly theirs to do? And these qualities may be seen in everything, in painting, and in ornament, in the making of everything, cloths, buildings, pots ... And in the forms of living things. In all of these, order or good form and its opposite have their place. Things without order, rhythm and harmony go with ill words and ill feelings, but good order goes with courage and self-control. "
More to read regarding of
"Aristotle :: The Poetics " "Vitruvius :: On Architecture "
"Robert Venturi :: Learning from Las Vegas " "Louis Kahn :: The Message of Louis Kahn " "Bernard Tschumi :: Architecture and Disjunction " "Michael Graves :: A case of figurative architecture "
Architectural Style in Archpedia :-
"Neolithic, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Gothic, Islamic, Japanese, Romanesque, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Victorian, Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, Art Deco, Prairie Style, Chicago School, Neo-Classical,Modern, New Brutalism, International, Post Modern, Expressionist, High-Tech, Deconstructivism. "

Shouldn't chinese/india/asia architecture be included too?
Designs are evolved through studies, analysis, theories and historical context. It is very important to understand and to master each of every style if possible. Working in a normal architectural design office Malaysia doesn't always provide us the opportunity to various form of style and theories. Some offices just treat architecture a business. When you pay more, I will add more features into the building. A very realistic world. No words of style can be mentioned if you don't have the cash.

How can fresh graduates adapt this great change from school architectural utopians into realistic business minded person?

I guess time is the answer to all.
However, passion is another powerful word to allow you to survive in this hardcore working environment of architectural.

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