
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Taichung Metropolitan Opera House

There is an interesting competition I located through PushPullBar2. There are some introduction in a chinese website if you would like to know more. It can be translated by google.
"昨日公告的台中大都會歌劇院(Taichung Metropolitan Opera House)國際競圖,上月剛獲英國皇家建築協會建築金獎(RIBA)的日本東京大學建築學院教授伊東豐雄(Toyo Ito),以一座「壺中居」的大型都市廣場暗藏許多類日本居酒屋的表演藝術殿堂,獲6位評審全票認同勝出。" to find out more...
There is a thread in push pull bar regarding this competition. to find out more...
The images are located from

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