
Friday, April 28, 2006


"This comic is about the life of an architect and the things that cross his path. The goal of the strip is to promote architecture and make it more accessible to the broad public. Archibald, the architect, livens up the discussion on this subject while making the people more conscious of their material environment.
In my own experience as an architect, I was more a manager than an artist with far too little time for the creative work. I felt restrained by mountains of paperwork and never ending discussions with clients and contractors. Forced into the role of the coordinator of fast ideas, I gradually realized that I would never have the time to shape my own ideas on architecture. I had to make more concessions than I was willing to.
Archibald reflects my own vision on architecture. He is the would-be architect in me and is the only architect I ever want to be…
" to find out more...

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