Thursday, October 18, 2007


"The IAAC is an international centre of education and research that focuses on architecture understood as a discipline that encompasses different scales, ranging from territorial analysis, urban development, architectural projects and digital fabrications to informational environments.
Located in
Barcelona, one of the international capitals of Urbanism, the institution develops a multidisciplinary program that explores urban and international territorial phenomena, placing especial emphasis on the opportunities that emerges from developing countries and the cultural, economic and social values that architecture may contribute to society.
The IAAC offers a three-term
Master programme in Architecture and Urbanism jointly organized with the Fundació Politécnica de Catalunya and directed by Vicente Guallart, Willy Müller and Marta Malé-Alemany. The programme proposes an innovative format that allows the students to create their own academic agenda in an open structure of studios and seminars, based on territorial, urbanistic, architectural and parametrical approaches to design research." to find out more...

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