
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Architectural portals & resources management

More and more architectural portals were established, flourishing the architectural blog sphere, with so much information gathered online, which portals should we go for, for the authorised and correct facts and numbers for various purposes behind each search?
We need management for them, for the information, projects, publications and portals within portals.
As if we were in the Stone Age, resources are so cheap and invaluable. Information now fluctuating the internet, online resources without control and management, is really like a stage of 'time at large'.
I think every country's registered architectural institution has the responsibilities for it, new responsibilities in the new era, new job scope for a good knowledge management, as a 'ligth house' over the intellectual properties and information in the infinite world wide web.
We all now pampered with the new armoury of internet connections that allows information to flow and reach one another easily, without hesitation, we ought to have an authority, for management, monitoring and sustainability required.

Anyway, for your browsing pleasure:-

Dexigner. with introduction of portals available.
E-architect. The site is maintained daily by Adrian and Isabelle who both trained as architects.
Top Design Box. A site that allows you to upload projects.
Nikiomahe. Similarly, archi portals for your browsing pleasure.
Architecturenewsplus.Some more projects for your browsing pleasure.

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