"The Journal of Design Research is an interdisciplinary journal, emphasizing human aspects as a central issue of design through integrative studies of social sciences and design disciplines. It is an electronic journal aiming to publish articles including multimedia applications and hence allowing visual knowledge transfer." To find out more... "Contemporary large multifunction urban project involves a whole design team that consists of multiple international architects next to multidisciplinary building specialists and multi-organisational stakeholders. Within the design process of such multi-architect projects, the level of complexity is very high due to the complicated functionality requirements; the jurisdictional, political, social, and economical constraints; the involvement of a large number of participants –including public-private partnerships– with often conflicting values; and the high ambition toward top architectural quality. Respectively, conventional project management is inadequate and hence a coherent and unambiguous design management approach is demanded." To find out more... Image is index page of jdr.tudelft.nl
Second Article is by Rizal Sebastian from Netherland, Delft Universtiy of Technology